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I’m mindful of my private sphere (and that of others). I leave fewer easily follow-able traces than most. Still, here are some links…
Papers published
Buildumgebung in Gefahr!, iX-Developer, special edition “Effektiver entwickeln” 2/2016. – The link does not give you the precise version published, but my original author’s edition. The editor later did some minor changes, to adapt the article to the style of the publication.
Versionsmanagement auf dem Tanker, iX Developer, special edition 3/2013. Again, original author’s edition.
“Datenanalyse für Funkamateure”, an introduction into the possibilities of the Jupyter Notebook software. And “Python - die freundliche Schlange”, an overview of the Python programming language (for beginning programmers). Both in “, Das Community-Magazin”, Ausgabe #12 November 2019.
“Die vielfältigen Fähigkeiten von Git”: An article on multiple abilities of Git. The title is somewhat of a pun, as the underlying theme of the article is “multiplicity”: Using multiple origins, multiple worktrees, multiple this and multiple that from one Git repo. This was originally a single article, which was split up into two parts at the request of the publisher: Part 1 and Part 2. It was later selected for paper publication and re-united, to become the single article “Die vielfältigen Fähigkeiten von Git – Allerlei Süßes” published on paper in “iX Developer, code(), build(), deploy(), Moderne Softwareentwicklung” Winter 2019/20. I had prepared the unified version for this paper publication, but was not granted the privilege of reviewing it after some final touches by the editor. The sad outcome is detailed (in German) at Errata Git Artikel.
Talks and courses
Do as the shell does INNOQ-internal training teaching how to do common Linux/UNIX shell patterns via Ruby.
Getting started fast: Development infrastructure, CI, and test deployment to a Kubernetes cluster on AWS together with a colleague, AWS Tech Community Days, Collogne, 2017-09-27.
Sicherheitsprobleme üblicher Build- und Deployment-Umgebungen a precurser of the corresponding publication, Continuous Lifecycle Conference 2015.
I’ve also given several entry-level git trainings, but only the advertisement is online.
Amateur radio talks
Spaziergang durch den Funkgerätewald a talk for newly licensed radio amateurs, in German, about ham radio gear features and associated measurement values.
DMR-Einführung slides explaining a new digital speech modulation scheme.
Amateurfunkstellen One evening that happened to be recorded, out of a course preparing for the official German ham radio license exam.
Not exactly a talk, but I got to moderate the first two German AfuBarCamps (and look forward towards moderating the third).
Blog posts
Horizontal automation – a waste of time. was original an argument in an internal discussion, later made public.
Fehlerbehandlung in Shellskripten
explains why bash
isn’t my favorite choice of scripting language.
I admit to being Github user aknrdureegaesr. (That name was chosen years ago on the spur of a moment. Hint: Read every second letter.)
anonymous_inmail is also by me.
My open source engagement I describe in more detail elsewhere.